
(preschool, in Framingham, Massachusetts... when I was about 4 years old)



1. MAKING THE DAYS COUNT (beginnings77.blogspot.com)

2. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086905242376) 

3. Group Fitness Class & HIIT Workouts | Orangetheory Fitness US (physiological fitness, promotes mental acuity... and together, they have an interplay... with 'the spirit')

NOTE: I don't go to them, but I do make 'fitness commitments'...

4. Walking towards the William H. Gray III train station (Philadelphia, PA - 11:27 AM, on 8/25/22) - YouTube (a sunny day, which I 'mind traveled to'... at 6:10 AM, on 10/24/22)


Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (lifewire.com)

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter 'www.2mymainconcern69.blogspot.com'... to interact with the posted URL addresses, cellularly]


1. Dr. Thea Kozakis 🌅 (@theakozakis) / Twitter

2. Charlie Dai (@Charlie_S_Dai) / Twitter

3. Bianca Peters (@BIANCApeters8) / Twitter

4. Christian Taylor (@Taylored2jump) / Twitter


5. Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter 

6:43 AM (10/26/22):

(a juxtaposition of Miguel and Amber Heard)

10:52 AM (10/26/22):
Something happened to the 'audio quality,' since I uploaded the prior video... earlier, this morning
(original song quality)

(the tune has the vibe, of someone in a ‘factory’… attempting to develop ‘Luke Zuku’… ...someone, who arguably will run the 100-meter dash... in 9.34 seconds, at the 2068 Olympics)

see (for context and elaboration) the most recent '13' posts: Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077390934783)

13 posts: [8:23 AM on 9/27/22 to 8:23 PM on 10/10/22]

11:26 AM (10/26/22):
Re-upload, on different site:

Usain Bolt’s 9.58 the night he obliterated the 100-meter world record:


(peppered tuna and carrots, as of 11:11 AM... today)


11:02 PM (10/25/22):
"Interesting video, regarding a road trip through Dubai... a city in the country of 'United Arab Emirates'... I have an interest in 'world travel,' but my vibe upon watching such... is that to do this, one must have a mentality of 'I better have a legitimate means, of returning to my home country'... in a scenario, where the question of this... arises, for unforeseen reasons..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Having companions to travel with, is ideal and preferable... for me... given the variables one must factor into one's trip, such as travel guides, language barriers, and expenses...

11:51 PM (10/25/22):

I presently have a total of 83 Blogger blogs, which originally had been at 97 (a number were deleted, and subsequently... a number, created)... This excludes blogs, from other sites...


10:48 PM (10/25/22): 
"What truly distinguishes man (as in man or woman), in the eyes of God the Son (Jesus Christ/'Human God'), much less that of God the Father [Jesus Christ's 'heavenly father'/'Alien (extraterrestrial) God')...? Jesus is the intermediator between humans and him, and there must be a divine reason for this..." - Michael Izuchukwu
10:53 PM (10/25/22):
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
The above video, was uploaded... exactly 10 years ago...

10:37 PM (10/25/22):
"Life is strange, in the sense... of how one awakens everyday... with a tendency to forget about the 'prior awakening'... As one progresses through life, there may be an inclination to question the nature of them... more readily, if one has not been capitalizing on time's passage... which is irreversible..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I suspect that intrinsic usage of time, implies as one moves forward in its flow... one looks back, with 'minimal regret'... and 'increasing confidence,' about one's 'ultimate trajectory'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:43 PM (10/25/22):

"For after all, what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... a central point between nothing and all, and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings, are impregnably concealed from him... in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn, and the infinite... in which he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary... for those who do not believe, no proof is possible... I have heard this quote every now and then, regarding matters of the spirit... On a daily basis, we humans tend to entertain a myopic slice... of reality, which typically concerns... our daily agenda (excluding, many other things... that one could be doing, exploring, entertaining... or questioning)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I have noticed that human beings tend to enjoy the comforts of routine and repetition, more readily... than tackling with the unknown, and ambiguity... Only when a need arises, does one seek a solution... but rarely, are solutions found... to issues, which are not self-evident..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:18 PM (10/25/22):
"One has to do much introspection, to gauge who one really is... on an 'individual basis'... prior to being able to make 'accurate assessments,' of others..." - Michael Izuchukwu
7:25 PM (10/25/22):
"On July 15, 2021... I was drinking this Coca-Cola... but I don't do this, anymore... I have noticed that my 'food preference' has been subject to variation, since November 2020... ...when I arrived in East Orange, NJ... but arguably, my 'dietary efficiency' has improved substantially... since then..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:06 PM (10/25/22):
"I am doing a recap/revisitation of this post... in the context, of the following article: 
...personally, phenotypical makeup is quite complex (one may be 'ethnically ambiguous,' given the nature of diversity... across the human species, of 'Homo Sapiens'), and one's ancestral lineage... may be obscure, unless one understands the intricacies... of his/her genealogy..."- Michael Izuchukwu 

7:00 PM (10/25/22):
Why God Isolates His Chosen Ones - YouTube (0:00-21:14)
"Interesting video, regarding walking on a 'spiritual path'... and deterring oneself, from straying... Such requires conscientious effort, and sacrifice... ...given that a righteous path, that is less traveled... may be more obscure..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:24 PM (10/25/22):
"As of 3:12 PM today, I spoke to my mom for 3 minutes & 55 seconds... on the phone. I have arrived at the conclusion, that she is a sadistic individual... in the context of me expressing to her, that the milk served at my dominion... is 'inadequate,' given such is watered-down (and I don't drink coffee, or eat the 'routinely stale' bread slice... that accompanies such, for breakfast)... 
...furthermore, for lunch... I typically only eat the 'meat slices' served at my dominion (given that the bread slices tend to 'not be fresh')... such as salami and turkey (I avoid the 'low-quality' ham)
The fact that my middle brother, JJ/John Jr. ...is able to cohabit with my mom ('rent-free'), and show no interest in fostering 'familial relations' with his relatives [me, my youngest brother (Joe), my cousins and etcetera)]... is reflective of my mom's 'perverse pathology'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[...much of the text of this profile, was written when I was unable to cohabit with my mom (while JJ was)... resulting in a period of 'perpetual' homelessness (March 2019-March 2020/13 'solid' months]


[JJ/John Jr. is on the left, while Joe is on the right - middle and youngest brother, respectively]

"Nice song that I was listening to, quite a bit... in the summer of 2019 (when in Virginia)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

11:46 AM (10/25/22):
"When one gazes at the stars at night, one tends to see a 'small fraction' of all there is to see... of the cosmos/universe... The vantage point from anywhere on Earth, is extremely limited... and just as one may see more of the ocean, as one approaches the horizon... one sees more of the cosmos, the further... one ventures, into space..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

11:28 AM (10/25/22):
(peppered carrots and salami, as of 11:18 AM... today)

(peppered carrots, as of 10:23 AM... today)

7:28 AM (10/25/22):
"Moments ago, for some reason... I had a 'daydream' about Adolf Hitler... and the consensus was, that he was just some dude from the past... shouting on stage, and saying ('paraphrased'), 'Get them in the camps'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
In my opinion, given the context of his actions... Hitler made himself irrelevant ('in terms of how I view him'), having caused the misfortune... of at least 6,000,000 Jews...
7:50 AM (10/25/22):

6:59 AM (10/25/22):
(a photo of my Uncle Chuka, and I... at the Saint Louis airport, on 10/25/20... 2 years ago. Such was hours before boarding a flight, back to New Jersey... from University City, MO)

6:50 AM (10/25/22):
"There are those who live to work, while others work... to live. Either way, one must 'make a living'... given the nature of our reality, and time's passage..." - Michael Izuchukwu
'Making a living' could be defined, as making use of one's time... in a manner, that permits enhanced 'self-sufficiency'... and 'regret minimalization'...

6:43 AM (10/25/22):
"There is a spectrum upon which fiscal responsibility falls, and people tend to budget... in accordance, with that which they prioritize... in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:41 AM (10/25/22):
"People have varying incentives, to live in certain cities... Sometimes, 'ease of commuting'... influences, regional pricings..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

8:02 PM (10/24/22):


9:30 PM (10/24/22): 



<<<Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz311) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos>>>



8:22 AM (10/24/22):

This video will change your life - YouTube
"Some insightful, life advice... for 'goal and dream attainment'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:59 AM (10/24/22):
Michael Johnson 200 meters WR 19.32 Atlanta 96 Olympics - High Quality - YouTube

"There are many types of sprinters, each with contrasting running styles... and forms... Michael Johnson's 200-meter American record, was recently broken by Noah Lyles... by one-hundredth of a second, when Noah ran 19.31 seconds... at the 2022 World Championships, in Eugene, Oregon...

NOTE #1:

I personally believe that the 100-meter is more reflective, of 'optimal' running speed potential... but the 200-meter is better for gauging such, in the context of 'plyometrics and balance'...

NOTE #2:
I am a greater fan of Michael Johnson's running form and style, than Noah Lyles'... but different sprinters work more efficiently, with 'certain' approaches...

Michael Izuchukwu on Twitter: ""A few moments ago, I watched a livestream of the 200-meter final... at the 2022 World Championships, in Eugene, Oregon... Noah Lyles set a new American record, with a time of 19.31 seconds... An impressive performance..." - Michael Izuchukwu https://t.co/ymPXhMrLFd" / Twitter 


Michael Izuchukwu on Twitter: ""I had been rooting for Erriyon Knighton, but he's still young... and there are many battles, in a war..." - Michael Izuchukwu" / Twitter 

8:12 AM (10/24/22):
"In terms of 'power' and turnover rate, Usain Bolt has the advantage over the 'prior 2' sprinters... in the context of his 200-meter world record, of 19.19 seconds... 

Usain Bolt 19.19 new WORLD RECORD 200M Berlin 2009 [HQ] - YouTube


7:45 AM (10/24/22):

Aliens in Quran - YouTube

"When Jesus Christ spoke of 'higher law,' He likely was referring to matters which transcend those, of this world... and adherence to that which is necessary, for 'genuine... spiritual progression'... in the context, of the dangers... of being 'indefinitely parted,' from the Holy Spirit (a human's link, to God)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law - YouTube 




7:37 AM (10/24/22):

Hearing the song 'Three Little Birds' play, near Chipotle (Newark, NJ - 12:29 PM, on 9/15/22) - YouTube

"Recollecting some 'Bob Marley' music playing, 1 month & 9 days... ago... ...Given that my mom was born in Jamaica, she used to tune into his music often... when I was a high schooler..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:25 AM (10/24/22):

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube

"I filmed this video, 7 months & 12 days... ago... Given that the spirit/Holy Spirit takes precedence to the mind/intellect, which does the same... for the body/physicality... one's thoughts ('of the mind') carry tremendous weight, in the 'governing dynamics'... which account, for whether one can gain entry to heaven... via 'natural means (regarding actions, one takes)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:47 AM (10/24/22):

Nimes vlog | two days in France with my husband🇫🇷 Arenes de Nimes, french brunch, and exploring - YouTube (9:14-9:35)

"A tasty breakfast ('bacon and egg, bagel sandwich'), in France. To this day, my mom has yet to return my passport to me (which I have been requesting, since February 2020)... Perhaps my middle brother, JJ, would have to have the 'frequency' of the dude/husband in this video... to be 'relatable,' given I have not seen JJ (face-to-face)... since the Fall of 2018 (and he has allegedly been in New Jersey, the whole time... cohabiting, with my mom)


5:58 AM (10/24/22):

(banana, as of 5:41 AM... today... presently raining outside, in the darkness)
6:53 AM (10/24/22):
(interesting parallels, to the thumbnails/display photos... of these '2' videos... on YouTube)

8:25 AM (10/24/22): 
"Moments ago, I got a 'vision' from 'God the Son (Jesus Christ)'... that due to the 'juxtaposition/parallel' of the video thumbnails, for 'these 2' videos (when viewed via a YouTube search bar, on a laptop or desktop computer)... Jesus could be saying 'fire works'... in the context, of the amount of blogging ('spiritual writings') I have engaged in... since March 2019... I technically concluded, on 10/17/22... but have been adding some 'refinements/finishing touches,' for the past week..." - Michael Izuchukwu
see: Michael Izuchukwu | [Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/about_details)]


4:32 AM (10/24/22):

President Obama Tours the 2014 White House Science Fair - YouTube 

"The eager, young minds... of tomorrow..." - John Forbes Nash, Jr.

7:20 AM (10/24/22):

"Harvard is a good school, isn't it...?" - Science Fair Lady

4:50 AM (10/24/22):

[photo of my dad (far left) camping out in Africa, sometime between 2011 and 2020 - my Uncle Mickey, is in the 'orange shorts')]
NOTE: I have never been to the continent...


4:28 AM (10/24/22): 
Bob Beamon's World Record Long Jump - 1968 Olympics - YouTube

"I just watched this video, which is of interest... given that 'the' record, lasted 23 years... before Mike Powell broke such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Rendition - YouTube (by Senpai Ru)

"The 'Bob Beamon' video feels amplified, when the 'above music' is playing... as one watches such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

see: Video Doubler (www.videodoubler.com), if you seek to use the site... for 'video mashups'...

8:40 AM (10/24/22):

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: I've been to the Mountaintop & M83 - By the Kiss (slowed down) - YouTube

NOTE: The 1968 Olympics began, 6 months & 8 days... after MLK's assassination... which is of 'numerical interest'... 10/12/68 & 4/4/68, respectively...


8:03 PM (10/23/22): 

Kali Uchis – telepatía [Official Audio] - YouTube

"Interesting song..." - Michael Izuchukwu



1. Dr. Thea Kozakis 🌅 (@theakozakis) / Twitter

2. Charlie Dai (@Charlie_S_Dai) / Twitter

3. Bianca Peters (@BIANCApeters8) / Twitter

4. Christian Taylor (@Taylored2jump) / Twitter


5. Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter 



December 04, 2021

 5:48 PM (12/4/21): "Humans have been sending radio signals into space, for many decades... Scanning the signs for extraterrestrial life, seems to be exclusive to our species... but perhaps there are forms of E.T., that have different mediums... of communication..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Contact Signal Scene - YouTube



December 04, 2021

 5:40 PM (12/4/21): "For every cause, there is a causation... which itself, is a 'cause'... Sometimes, certain observations have metaphorical or symbolic significance, while other times... they do not... The passage of time, usually permits the illumination of that... which was once enshrouded in darkness... Such a line of thinking, is necessary... to effectively engage with extraterrestrial methodologies of communication... assuming, there have been legitimate attempts... by E.T. ..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Contact - Talking With Hadden - Finding The Key - YouTube



December 04, 2021

 5:16 PM (12/4/21): "On 10/30/18, I had a photo taken of me... In Monte Irvin Orange Park, of East Orange, NJ... I was standing beside an edifice, and moments ago... I noticed that the angle of the tilt, regarding such... is approximately '3' degrees..." - Michael Izuchukwu

See: Online Protractor | Angle Measuring Tool (ginifab.com)


See: www.whiz71.blogspot.com



December 04, 2021

 4:30 PM (12/4/21): "Jesus Christ's Resurrection took 3 days (after His Crucifixion)... Why such took 72 hours, is a mystery to me... but Hebrews 2:14 alludes to how Jesus Christ descended into hell, and was in contest with the devil..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil…” – Hebrews 2:14

4:32 PM (12/4/21): "Evidently, there was a reason why Jesus Christ was among 11 (of 12)  of His remaining apostles, for 40 days that followed His Resurrection... before departing to heaven... His ascent was noted by many onlookers..." - Michael Izuchukwu

He Is Risen - YouTube

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December 04, 2021

3:52 PM (12/4/21): "Legend has it that if a human keeps moving forward through spacetime (with respect to the variables of the spirit, mind and body)... if done so in a fashion that is conducive for 'asymptotic aging'... at some point, he/she may transition from the material 'state' to a 'spiritual one'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 



December 04, 2021

RECAP (malachy71.blogspot.com):

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24

["A camel is a relatively massive animal, and the 'eye of a needle' is quite small... Yet, Jesus Christ likened entering heaven... to the difficulty of entering through a 'small passage'... Thus, I made the inference that a rich person ('of the world') often has many unwarranted or unnecessary attachments/obligations... which may weigh him/her down... It may be beneficial to be efficient with the means one has to make a living, and what one does for a living... in order to get to heaven...

...Someone abiding by the latter sentiment, would then realize that from a metaphorical standpoint... the entryway to heaven would be a bitter larger for him/her than the 'eye of a needle'... ...Perhaps, like the top of a small cup..." - Michael Izuchukwu]

3:47 PM (12/4/21): "One should ask oneself, what in life could one do... to make his/her dream of entering heaven... assuredly true..." - Michael Izuchukwu

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December 04, 2021

 12:31 PM (12/4/21): "It has been said that 'failure to plan, is planning to fail'... There are many processes people go through, to achieve certain results... The means to an end, are not always valid... but at times, the 'end' is the outcome... Just as many trails are blazed by footsteps, one can ascertain the value of undertaking certain endeavors... by the journey that is required..." - Michael Izuchukwu



December 04, 2021

 9:49 AM (12/4/21): "There is that which is objective (rooted in truth), and that which is subjective ('partially truthful')... In life, it's beneficial to comply with the former set of values, regarding that which one lives by... and that which, which one strives towards... When looking at our world, in relation to our solar system and galaxy... one often feels the sense that there is 'so much out there in the cosmos,' that we do not know... and do not understand... In truth, that is 'true'... Humans may just have surface-value information... regarding all there is to know, about the actual extent... of the universe (cosmos)... and that brings some questions to mind, in many minds..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1. Does the universe end, and if so... what's beyond?

2. Where is heaven? Is it in the clouds, or in another plane... of reality?

3. If there are extraterrestrials, why haven't we seen them yet?

4. Which galaxies do the extraterrestrials live in, if '36' extraterrestrial civilizations were recently detected in our own...? Our galaxy is 1 of about 125 billion (125,000,000,000) in the 'observable universe'...

5 Theories & Predictions on What Lies Outside The Observable Universe - YouTube

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December 04, 2021

 9:30 AM (12/4/21): "Humans are the 'extraterrestrial race' of Homo Sapiens and are likely one of the many 'E.R.'s, in the cosmos... According to the Holy Trinity, God is the 'Son,' the 'Father,' and the 'Holy Spirit'... ...the Son, being Jesus Christ... and the Holy Spirit, being a human's connection to God (who is Jesus Christ's 'heavenly Father')... Jesus Christ is the intermediator between Himself, and His Father... and He said that, Himself..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

9:33 AM (12/4/21): "After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven (in the aftermath of being among His 11 remaining apostles, following His 3-day Resurrection)...  He assumed the role, of His Father... Essentially, Jesus Christ performs the function of God... and His Father likely operates, in a more efficient capacity... even though he retains that title... 

"Via my Couchsurfing profile, I had alluded to the prospect that the verse 'John 14:6' of the bible... sheds light on the possibility, that Jesus Christ's 'heavenly Father' is the 'Alien God'... while Jesus Christ is the 'Human God'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Kal El leaving Krypton - YouTube

